Monday, February 2, 2009

An effective leader communicates a vision

In order to be a successful leader, one must clearly communicate a vision or plan for the future. Without any goals, people within an organization will be unclear of what role they play in contributing to the success of that company.

I have learned the importance of setting small goals to accomplish a final vision this semester. I'm not really sure what I want to do after I graduate from Purdue and I am not very interested in my major. This uncertainty of my future has contributed to my loss of motivation to graduate. If I would have started this semester with more of a plan or something to aspire to, I may have been more motivated to keep up with my classes and schoolwork.

Lacking a plan can lead to wasted time and misplaced energy for just one individual. If a company has a leader who cannot effectively communicate to each individual what their role is and how it contributes to the vision, a whole group of people could feel lost and unmotivated.

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